Equal Parts Running and Yoga

We have been doing lots of running and I have been doing lots of Yoga to balance out all the running. I made my 2017 goal pretty broad “to run consistently ALL YEAR.” I have NOT done this in the past several years due to lots of injury/recover/injury/recover cycles mixed throughout the year. I am very determined to be consistent with yoga (aiming at 4-5 times per week when my mileage is higher and 3 times per week on lighter weeks or if I have to travel). Thus far for 2017, I am rocking my goal. 


We were at my Mom’s house all weekend which meant some country road running. It actually worked out really well because the sidewalks were all snow covered and icy. The country roads around her house were all clear and there was super light traffic, so not much in terms of car dodging. We were just extra cautious on hills and coming around curves. We also had lots of fun recovery food at Mom’s, including pizza, salmon, sweet potatoes, and, of course, oatmeal and PB. We did 14 miles on Saturday and 17 on Sunday – both on similar routes that were quite hilly. It was a balmy 7 degrees for our Saturday run and a downright toasty 20 for Sunday.  

We then did a speedy tempo on Monday with 0.5 mile warm up, 5 miles fast, and 1.5 mile cool down. Tuesday was 12 miles easy. I LOVE that my easy runs finally feel easy again. Since the beginning of September, I have been calling my pace “easy” for all my runs but the runs really HURT so they never really felt easy at all! Running on an injury is just not joyful running! 

Looks like rain for the foreseeable future here but at least it is in the 40s and 50s this week! Talk to you later!

One Comment Add yours

  1. That’s a lot of miles! You must be preparing for an ultra!


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